Program Description

Oil and Gas, which is a dangerous task, allows staff to have specific safety knowledge so that they can do it and make safety plans for themselves and their colleagues, so that it can be performed in the best possible way. Oil and Gas safety experts are advised to keep an eye on the safety system so that employees can be informed of their safety in accordance with the latest procedures.

Students must be aware of the oil and gas sector through this program. The importance of safety in this sector will be made known to them. In addition to safety information, they will be trained for drilling at sea and on the beach (Onshore and offshore). Knowledge will be added to the guidance of this Safety and Health program and the way their work will be refined so that they can do their job in the best possible way.

Course outline:

  1. Introduction to Safety Management

  2. Effective Accident Investigation

  3. Introduction to OSH Training

  4. Hazard Analysis and Control

  5. Hazard Communication Program

  6. Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis

  7. Personal Protective Equipment

  8. Energy Control Program – LOTO

  9. Introduction to Ergonomics

  10. Confined Space Program

  11. Fall Protection Program

  12. Electrical Safety Basics

  13. Emergency Action Plans

  1. Introduction to Machine Guarding

  2. Introduction to Industrial Hygiene

  3. Hearing Conservation Program Mgmt

  4. Bloodborne Pathogens Program Mgmt

  5. Trench and Excavation Safety

  6. Fall Protection in Construction

  7. Oil and Gas Hazard Awareness

  8. Well Site Preparation & Drilling Safety

  9. Well Site Completion & Servicing Safety

  10. Oil and Gas Well Inspection

  11. Oil Spill Cleanup

  12. Offshore Oil and Gas Safety I

  13. Offshore Oil and Gas Safety II

Respective Benefits of Completing this Course:

  If you’re joining the Oil and Gas field and want to stay connected to what you’re doing or try to upgrade your skills, this program will give you the opportunity to do all the following points.

  • Teaches you how to stay safe in the Oil and Gas industry.
  • Adding information to avoid terrible injuries.
  • It’s looking to assist you understand and identify the problems and find a solution.
  • Boost your mindset and uplift your career.
  • Gives you self-confidence, makes you aware of your duties and leads you to success.

Aimed Audience

This online training program represents all individuals who wants to work or formerly work in the Oil and Gas field. After finishing this program, employers will realize that there must be safety at the workplace.

One of the advantages of this program is that you will be an expert in safety and your work. You will hit the heights of your work and prove yourself to be the best.


Most frequent questions and answers

Oil and gas safety and health professionals are better than average workers because they are usually well trained, experienced and trained in the best way possible. As a result of which additional duties, responsibilities and compensation are usually given to an expert. The expert shall provide practical support and training to employees at work.

Oil and gas safety and health superintendents usually have technical training, information and experience, but there are also many other responsibilities. As a result, some courses have been included in the supervisory program which are also part of the specialist program and two more courses have been added along with it, so that the position of the supervisor can be taken to the next level.

Give us call/ WhatsApp or email to get current fee.

The course is planned to be delivered in 155 Hours class training around 20 days.

Yes- daily class duration will be 120 Minutes so it will take around 80 days to complete the course.